Shepperton Marina Facts

People often tell us, "I’ve not been to Shepperton Marina for a few years – I can’t believe how much it’s changed!"

Never a truer word spoken as we have made massive strides over the past 10 years, investing heavily in services and infrastructure.

Facts about the Marina

  • When the last of the new upgraded pontoons were installed in Basin B in February 2014, it marked the completion of our major programme to replace every pontoon berth in the Marina. But it is not only the pontoons that have been improved – we pride ourselves on our stunning grounds with picturesque lakes and grassy banks.
  • Summer 2013 saw major improvements made to Felix Lane. From the main road all along to the Marina entrance, the roadway has been considerably widened and completely re-surfaced, making for a much more pleasant approach to the Marina all year round. The considerable expense was shared by the Marina, the Holiday Inn and local residents.
  • We have built a brand new basin, which has now been completed ahead of schedule, with 120 fully serviced berths, primarily to cater for larger boats. We believe them to be simply the best new moorings on the Thames.
  • We have also created wider paths and fairways between pontoons, as well as additional car parking and improved lighting around the marina.
  • In addition to existing facilities, we have installed an extra security barrier to better protect access to Basins A and B.
  • We have relocated our pump-out pontoon to provide better access and ease of use.
  • We also made a major change some two years ago to bring the craning and hardstanding operation back in-house – these were both previously run by a third party. These are now run and operated by our own fully trained staff, providing you with a full service – from lifting, pressure washing and anti-fouling and, of course, storage.
  • We also operate our own in-house brokerage service, ‘Boat Showrooms of London’ – and we are delighted to be the Linssen steel boat agent for the UK. This product sits very nicely in our already well-established steel boat centre.
  • Every year we hold a “Summer Party” at the Marina to which all bertholders are invited. These are always well attended social gatherings, giving all our moorers a chance to meet each other and usually feature a barbeque, drinks, music and a charity raffle.
  • We have been a family-run business for over 35 years, with dedicated staff who care about your leisure time and love the marina – it really makes a difference.

These are just a few of the things that make Shepperton Marina special. Why not pop down for a guided tour?