COVID-19 - Marina Update

All of the staff have been working hard in preparation for our customers return and we have carried out a number of improvements around the site including the following:

We have re-decked the fuel pontoons with a non-slip grating and giving them a lick of paint - I am sure you will agree that they look fabulous. The fuel pontoons will be back open as usual (09:00 to 16:00 Monday to Saturday and 10:00 to 16:00 on Sunday). Please be reminded that payment is due in the marina office prior to returning to your berth and we can accept card payments only (no cash).

The ferry has had a new canopy and dodgers and both docking stations have had maintenance work carried out and again, it looks great!

We have installed new signage around the marina, incorporating our new logo that was introduced last year. 

A large area of the hard standing was dug out and re-laid meaning we can accommodate a few more boats than we previously could.

Access control has been put on the metal gate to the waste and recycling area so please ensure you have this with you. This will hopefully reduce the number of outside visitors from using our waste facilities. Please remember that only general waste accumulated from visiting your boat should be placed in these bins and are not for any left-over 'maintenance waste' from work carried out on your boat. Old Elsans, fenders, oil cans, or anything other than general waste should be removed from the marina. Please do not bring in waste from the home to dispose of in these bins. 
Please refer to the images on the waste and recycling bins for guidance. 

As a reminder of the safety precautions we have in place, I kindly ask for you to read the following points carefully, prior to returning to the marina:

Please do not come to the marina if you or a member of your household are unwell or show any of the COVID-19 symptoms. You are not permitted to self-isolate on your vessel. 

Overnight stays will be permitted from the 12th of April 2021. 



  • For the time being, we kindly ask you to refrain from entering the marina office. We have a service hatch in place and we will assist you from here.
  • Guidelines will be placed on the floor outside of the office to ensure 2 meters separation between yourself and other customers waiting for service.
  • Hand sanitiser is outside the office and we kindly ask you utilise this prior to touching any equipment/surfaces. For example; Payment machines, desks, etc.
  • We will remain cashless for all payments and ask you, where possible, to pay using a contactless method (credit/debit cards, connect pay, or phones)

Boat Showrooms of London - back open from the 12th April 2021

  • Customers wishing to view boats can do so from the 12th of April 2021. In the meantime, we can offer 'online' tours only.

After the 12th of April, the following procedures will be n place:

  • Viewings are permitted with the broker remaining on the sales berth and discussions to take place with a 2-meter distance.
  • Demonstrations can be undertaken providing the 2-meter distance can be adhered to and at the Brokers discretion.
  • Customers wishing to speak with the Broker, please do so by phone or email where possible.
  • Should you need to come to the office, please wait at the door ensuring a 2-meter distance from staff and other customers. The broker will come to you.
  • Surveyors are permitted to undertake surveys/instructions providing they abide by the social distancing guidelines.


  • The fuel pontoons will be open again from 9 am to 4 pm Monday to Saturday and 10 am to 4 pm on Sunday. We have disabled the doorbell and ask that you contact the marina office by phone on 01932 247322 for service.
  • To ensure social distancing is adhered to, please undo your fuel cap, leave your vessel (as well as with anyone else on board with you), and stand on the other side of the fence whilst a member of the team serves you.
  • Please do not handle the nozzles yourself.
  • Ideally, payment should be made using a contactless system, ideally the payment portal or connect pay. If this is not possible, payment can be made using a credit or debit card by coming to the marina office (see above).

Pump Out

  • Where possible, please phone or email the marina office if you require a token. We will leave one on your boat in an agreed location.
  • Please wash your hands prior to, and after, using the facility.
  • We strongly advise the use of gloves.

Toilet / Laundry Facilities

  • Ideally, wash hands/use sanitiser prior to using the toilet facilities and of course after.
  • If you are waiting to use the facilities, please adhere to the social distancing guidelines which have been highlighted on the floor.
  • Avoid touching door handles where possible – use tissue or sleeve.
  • Only one person should be in the Laundry room at any time.

Yard / Marina Services

  • Do not enter the Marina Services office.
  • Keep the required 2 meters distance between yourself and any staff member/customer.
  • Use provided hand sanitizer before and after touching anything in the yard. Sanitizer is located at the entrance to the Marina Services compound.


  • Travel on the ferry alone or with members of the same household/bubble.
  • Use hand sanitizer before and after use.
  • Wear gloves where possible.


  • Only visit your boat with members of your own household/bubble.
  • Please do not board any other customers' vessels.
  • When speaking with staff or other customers on-site, please respect the social distancing guidelines and keep 2 meters apart.
  • Staff members are currently unable to board customers' vessels to assist as crew etc.
  • Do not gather on pontoons.
  • BBQs or other social gatherings are not permitted on the marina unless with your own household/bubble.


Please remember the importance of washing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and dispose of tissues once used.

All of the above points are to help us protect staff, customers, tenants, contractors and members of the general public. Please refrain from visiting the marina for 14 days if you or a member of your household currently has the virus, or you are experiencing any of the symptoms.


Lisa Harris

Marina Manager




COVID Update

We have now received information from The Yacht Harbour Association regarding the road map to the re-opening of the Marina Industry.

  • From Monday, 29th March 2021 we are pleased to announce that Shepperton Marina will re-open whereby, with the lifting of Government restrictions on travel, you will be able to access and use your boats providing this is only with people in your household / support bubble. For open boats, the rule of six / two households applies. Overnight stays are not permitted.


  • From the 12th April 2021, overnight stays on your boat will be permitted – single household / bubble only.


  • From the 17th May, six people / two households will be permitted to use the indoor cabin space of a boat with a maximum of 30 people on outdoor boats.


We are looking forward to welcoming you back to the marina for what will hopefully be an enjoyable, busy Summer.


EA and Lock info

Some good news from the EA who have just stated in their River Thames Waterways Customer Charter – 1 April to 31 March 2022.

Lock service and user support:

“We aim to offer assisted passage to our boating customers during the boating season from 1 April to 30 September. We will also provide assisted passage during the Easter bank holiday weekend and Spring and Autumn half terms where these fall outside the season. Each lock will be manned by a resident, relief or seasonal Lock Keeper and volunteer, as appropriate and wherever possible to provide cover for staff breaks, weir work and maintenance.

Lock Keepers Hours of Duty:

  • July and August: 09:00 to 18:30
  • May, June, and September: 09:00 to 18:00
  • April and October: 09:00 to 17:00
  • November to March: 09:15 to 16:00
  • Out of season between 1 October and 31 March assisted passage may be available but cannot be guaranteed.
  • One hour lunch break taken between 13:00 and 14:00 when cover is unavailable



Marina News:

Works are continuing with the re-decking of the fuel pontoons and I am sure you will agree when you see them, they look great! This will be complete in time for our re-opening on the 29th March 2021 ready for a busy season of boating!


Lisa Harris

Marina Manager

5th January 2021

Shepperton Marina is committed to following the latest guidelines to ensure the safety of our staff, customers, and tenants and to do all we can to ensure we get through these challenging times. With this in mind, we urge you to read the latest update on the Government website carefully and request that you follow the rules in place.

‘The single most important action we can all take is to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives’.

Please try to avoid coming to the marina unless you feel it is absolutely essential. The marina staff are able to check on the majority of concerns you may have. Please just give us a call or email.

We understand this may leave you feeling uneasy but please rest assured that we will continue, to take care of your boats and if you have any concerns, worries or questions, please do give me a call or an email and I will happily discuss them with you.


Please stay safe and well and we look forward to seeing you all soon. 

Lisa Harris

Marina Manager







21st December 2020

Following the announcement made by the prime Minister on Saturday, 19th December 2020, Shepperton Marina has moved into Tier 4.

The marina is now closed to the public however our berth holders fobs will still be activated and they will still be able to access the marina should they live local and choose to do so. We are of course encouraging all of our customers (particularly those who live in a Tier 4 area) to follow the Government Guidance and stay home.

Please note that on the days we are closed, the toilet facilities will remain open and will be cleaned early in the morning however the sanitising that the staff carry out twice daily, will be reduced and I therefore ask that you take extra care when using the toilets. Please ensure your mask is worn and sanitise your hands after use. We encourage you to use the facilities on board your boat wherever possible. 

I must stress that if you live in a Tier 1, 2 or 3 area, you are not permitted to travel to a Tier 4 area unless it falls under one of the exemptions - please click the following link for more information

Visiting / maintaining your boat, does not fall under any of the exemptions. See below from TYHA:

"Boat maintenance; Whilst there is specific reference within Tiers 1 to 3 for travel for purposes of maintaining “assets including second homes, caravans and boats” within this guidance doc DCMS
guidance page on accommodation [Please note – this guidance is being updated, a new version will follow in the next couple of days, so please keeping looking at], for Tier 4 the travel restrictions are understandably much tighter.

People in Tier 4 areas must stay at home and not travel out of Tier 4. They may only leave for a limited number of exempt reasons, like work, education or caring purposes.” Under Tier 4, there is no exception for the purposes of securing or maintaining assets.
Should there be critical health and safety risks which require immediate attention then the caveat of ‘reasonable excuse’ might be possible within the regulations; this would need to be a case-by-case decision for individuals and organisations to take to ensure they are compliant with the regulations as the baseline expectation is no non-essential travel.

Staff will continue to carry out their daily rounds, checking on all the boats including over the Christmas period. 

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Lisa Harris

Marina Manager






5th November 2020

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on the 31st October 2020 and the subsequent guidance from the British Marine and the Thames Yacht Harbour Association, there are new restrictions in place as of Thursday, 5th November to Wednesday, 2nd December.

People will only be allowed to leave their home for very limited purposes;

  • For education
  • For work purposes, including daily commuting and overnight stays, but only of you cannot work from home
  • For exercise
  • For medical purposes
  • To shop for food and essentials
  • To care for others

Shepperton Marina is committed to protecting our staff, our customers, our tenants, the NHS and the wider UK population during the COVID-19 pandemic, so it is with great sadness that I have to inform you that the new UK Government restrictions require us to close from 5 November until such time as we are allowed to re-open. Let’s all hope that will be in early December as they have promised.

Current guidance does not allow for you to visit the marina or stay aboard your vessel during lockdown unless it falls under the allowable reasons to leave home. Please see paragraph below taken from the latest Government advice on their website.

“Overnight stays and holidays away from primary residences will not be allowed. This includes holidays abroad and in the UK. It also means you cannot stay in a second home, if you own one, or staying with anyone you do not live with or are in a support bubble with. There are specific exceptions, for example if you need to stay away from home (including in a second home) for work purposes, but this means people cannot travel overseas or within the UK, unless for work, education or other legally permitted reasons.

You must not travel if you are experiencing any coronavirus symptoms, are self-isolating as a result of coronavirus symptoms, are sharing a household or support bubble with somebody with symptoms, or have been told to self-isolate after being contacted by NHS Test and Trace.”

You can read more on this latest guidance by clicking the following link:

We want to assure you that our dedicated staff at the marina will continue to look after the safety and security of your boats, carrying out the daily rounds and checking lines etc. Our CCTV continues to be monitored 24/7 so please rest assured your boat is in the best hands. Should you require electricity, we ask that you arrange to top this up prior to Thursday. If you are unable to get to the marina by then, please contact the marina office and we will happily do this for you.

If your boat is due to be craned in or out of the water, either into the yard or onto transport, this can still go ahead and I ask that you contact Andy on regarding the delivery of your boat to and from the crane bay.

Wishing you and your family all the best during these trying times.

Lisa Harris

Marina Manager





12 May 2020

Following the announcement made by the Government on Sunday evening, I would firstly like to thank you for your patience whilst we confirmed the marinas position on re-opening. I am pleased to announce that Shepperton Marina will be re-opening from Wednesday, 13th May 2020 however as per Government advice, you are unable to stay overnight for the time being and therefore you can visit the marina between the hours of 9am and 5pm.

We appreciate you are all eager to return to your boats however there will be restrictions in place that everyone will need to follow in order to comply with the Government advised safety measures, and for the continued safety of all staff, customers and tenants.

We kindly ask for you to read the following points carefully, prior to returning to the marina:

Please do not come to the marina if you or a member of your household are unwell or show any of the COVID-19 symptoms. You are not permitted to self-isolate on your vessel.


  • If your query can be answered over the phone or by email, we ask that you contact us this way rather than coming to the marina office.
  • For the time being, we kindly ask you to refrain from entering the marina office. There will be a desk placed in the doorway and we will assist you from here.
  • Guidelines will be placed on the floor outside of the office to ensure 2 meters separation between yourself and other customers waiting for service.
  • Hand sanitiser is outside the office and we kindly ask you utilise this prior to touching any equipment / surfaces. For example; Payment machines, desks etc.
  • We will remain cashless for all payments and ask you, where possible, to pay using a contactless method (credit / debit cards, connect pay or phones)

Boat Sales

  • Customers wishing to view boats can do so by appointment only.
  • Viewings are permitted with the broker remaining on the sales berth and discussions to take place with a 2-meter distance.
  • Demonstrations can be undertaken providing the 2-meter distance can be adhered to and at the Brokers discretion.
  • Customers wishing to speak with the Broker, please do so by phone or email if possible.
  • Should you need to come to the office, please wait at the door ensuring a 2 meter distance from staff and other customers. The broker will come to you.
  • Surveyors are permitted to undertake surveys / instructions providing they abide by the social distancing guidelines.


  • The fuel pontoons will be open again from 9am to 4pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to 4pm on Sunday. We have disabled the doorbell and ask that you contact the marina office by phone on 01932 247322 for service.
  • To ensure social distancing is adhered to, please undo your fuel cap, leave your vessel (as well as with anyone else on board with you) and stand on the other side of the fence whilst a member of the team serves you.
  • Please do not handle the nozzles yourself.
  • Ideally, payment should be made using a contactless system, ideally the payment portal or connect pay. If this is not possible, payment can be made using a credit or debit card by coming to the marina office (see above).

Pump Out

  • Please phone or email the marina office if you require a token. We will leave one on your boat in an agreed location.
  • Please wash your hands prior to, and after, using the facility.
  • We strongly advise the use of gloves.

Toilet / Laundry Facilities

  • Wash hands prior to, and after using toilet facilities.
  • If you are waiting to use the facilities, please adhere to the social distancing guidelines which have been highlighted on the floor.
  • Avoid touching door handles where possible – use tissue or sleeve.
  • Only one person should be in the Laundry room at any time.

Yard / Marina Services

  • Do not enter the Marina Services office.
  • Keep the required 2 meters distance between yourself and any staff member / other customer.
  • Use provided hand sanitizer before and after touching anything in the yard. Sanitizer is located at the entrance to the Marina Services compound.


  • Travel on the ferry alone or with members of the same household.
  • Use hand sanitizer before and after use.
  • Wear gloves where possible.


  • Only visit your boat with members of your own household.
  • Please do not board any other customers vessels.
  • When speaking with staff or other customers on-site, please respect the social distancing guidelines and keep 2 meters apart.
  • Staff are currently unable to board customers vessels to assist as crew etc.
  • Do not gather on pontoons.
  • BBQ’s or other social gatherings are not permitted on the marina.

Please remember the importance of washing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and dispose of tissues once used.

All of the above points are to help us protect the staff, customers, tenants, contractors and members of the general public. Please refrain from visiting the marina for 14 days if you or a member of your household currently has the virus, or you are experiencing any of the symptoms.

Up to date information for the general public regarding Coronavirus can be found on the Government website:

Up to date information regarding the virus itself and how to prevent it can be found on the NHS website:

We are awaiting further advice with regards to when the river will open again for recreational use. As soon as we receive an update, we will pass this onto you.

Lastly, I would again like to thank you for the support you have shown the marina, myself and the staff throughout this extremely difficult period. It has been a very challenging time for us all and I know how frustrating it has been to not to be able to visit your boat, especially during the spells of lovely weather. We look forward to welcoming you back. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Lisa Harris
Shepperton Marina Manager